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SCA students support many various missions throughout our school year.  Funding for these mission projects is collected through weekly offerings during our chapel services.  Other mission projects rely completely on the generosity of our families and students.   




We begin our school with supporting our annual missions.  We support a boy in Haiti named Myson.  We also support the Irons family.  The Irons family is from the Eastern Shore and currently do mission work in Poland.




It may be hard to believe, but our October mission project is Operation Christmas Child.  Our students bring in items to pack shoeboxes to be sent abroad.  Students love the "hands-on" experience of shopping and packing the boxes for their trip around the world!


With the holiday seasons approaching, SCA has always chosen to do a canned food drive for local needy families.  We collect canned goods throughout November and into December.  The food items collected are donated to Exmore Baptist Church's food pantry.  Food boxes are assembled and distributed during the holidays to local shut-ins and families in need.


The holidays are an exciting time for most people, but for local shut-ins, nursing home residents and our military it can be a very lonely time.  SCA students make Christmas cards during the month of December to brighten the holidays for these folks.


Our students kick off the new year by supporting a local ministry.  The Accomack-Northampton Pregnancy Center, located in Onley, helps expectant and new parents navigate the waters of parenthood.  We reach out to the pregnancy center to get a list of items that are needed, and our students collect items all month.  


Lighthouse Ministries, a transitional homeless shelter located on the Eastern Shore is our February mission.  Our students are provided with a current list of supplies that the shelter requests and we collect items for the entire month to be donated to them.  


March is our "Mission of Choice" month. 

We may have visitors perform for us during this month and we'll collect offerings throughout the entire month for the.  We will also ask our SCA family to make a recommendation for a mission for the month.  We're always on the lookout for the needs in our community.


Exmore Baptist Church has provided support for SCA in so many ways.  As a small "thank you" for their support, we like to "give back".  What better way than to support the Exmore Baptist Church Youth Ministries.  EBC has always had very active youth programs that stay busy all year long.  SCA students collect funds through our chapel service offerings for the entire month to be donated to the youth of Exmore Baptist.


"Caleb's Stuffed Animal Drive" for CHKD

Caleb McHan, a former SCA student, asks for donations of stuffed animals instead of birthday presents each year.  Caleb was only 2 weeks old when he became a patient of CHKD's Cleft and Craniofacial Center to correct his cleft lip. Every year since, Caleb and his family have collected stuffed animals to donate to kids receiving treatment at the center. We are so proud of Caleb!

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